Have you been reading about the South Dakota abortion ban in your local newspaper or on the ACLU website? On Election Day, South Dakotans will vote on a ban on virtually all abortions. What can you do to help defeat this ban?
You can phone bank in your own living room for three hours on November 1 or 2.
That’s right – three hours in your own living room (all you need is a computer with web access and a phone) – it’s that easy to make a difference in this election. The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families (SDCHF), of which the ACLU is a part of, has spent the past three months making over 170,000 persuasion phone calls to highly-targeted voters across the state. They’ve identified a large percentage of supporters and now it’s time to Get Out the Vote (GOTV)! The Campaign has asked for your help on November 1 and 2 to call all identified supporters and encourage them to get to get to the polls to vote NO on Measure 11.
Invite your members to make a difference.
Initiated Measure 11 is a ban on virtually all abortions and is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade that will impact women and their families in all states. You can learn more about the ban at www.sdhealthyfamilies.org
Although South Dakotans decisively defeated a very similar measure in 2006, the abortion ban is back and the polling shows it’s a dead heat. Measure 11 could be decided by a very small number of votes. Each phone call will make a difference. This is a great opportunity to get your members involved with protecting reproductive freedom for all women.
Join the ACLU effort
Contact your affiliate office at 405-524-8511 to see how you can help.